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The village of Lari had a very lively history during the Middle Ages, because it was the subject of contention for its strategic position: it was not by chance that it belonged first to the Pisan Republic and then to Florence, under the control of the Vicars, who had an imposing castle that also served as a prison.

Until 1848 the Vicars hosted important Tuscan politicians, belonging to the Medici and Habsburg families.

Today the Castle houses the "Filippo Baldinucci" museum, which preserves Etruscan, Roman, Medieval and Renaissance finds.

Lari is also City of the cherries, an historical production that boasts many varieties. The derived products (liqueurs, sauces, jams) can be purchased in the local shops and every year in June is held the historical of Cherry Festival.



  • Castle of Lari: the Castle has been recently restored, equipping itself with technological infrastructures such as multitouch tables, holograms, videomapping and interactive stations through which visitors can reconstruct the history of the Castle and explore the evocative rooms, the prison and its dungeons.
  • Butcher's Ceccotti: High-quality and certified meat and sausages: all the pigs used in the butchery come from the nearby Peccioli area, bought directly by the breeder and slaughtered in San Miniato. Ask Simone and Barbara to visit the cellars where cured meats are aged!
  • Pasta Factory Martelli: an historic pasta factory, where spaghetti, penne and fusilli are produced with slow processing. The pasta "Martelli" is famous all over the world and this Pastificio has free access: discover the secrets of pasta and this little paradise!

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